– Orgasm!

Shouts a drunk guy in the audience during comedy festival in Szczecin.

– Ok, something else? – asks the host.


– Or maybe…

– O R G A S M !

And now the question. Should you give it to the invasive audience member.

At least there is a chance that – as a guy – he will shut up after that for a few minutes. A few years ago, at other festival, (that was the first year of improv festivals in Poland) Canadians said, they envy us. That we have this magical moment in Poland, when we start the improv scene. That we will create it, create how the audience see it, how it will look like for long years. And it all depands on how we bring up, how we educate our audience in our country. Feeling the responsibility yet? Especially, because you’re not only working on your own future, but the next generations ofimprovisers.

And now I may surprise you.

Audience isn’t our masters.

Audience is our kids.

Curious, paying attention, lovely, playfull, sometimes naughty. And we love them unconditionally, even when they don’t let us live. And we have to raise them. All the kids start talking with the same words.

Mama. Dada. Toilet. Cementary. Church.

This is how our brain is developing. And kids are inventing things, like the audience suggestions, and they think they are the first, but we know, we’ve heard it a million times. We can’t be angry at a kid, that it’s so happy about his first words. But you are the parents, and you need to encourage kids to search for new words.

We are all struggling with suggestions repeated all the time (basically because we are still asking the same questions, but about it in another article). But, good news – you can choose! You don’t have time to be to picky during the show, but if you drop few suggestions, nothing bad would happen. You need to talk to children. If they want really, reeaaaallyy baaadly to see a scene in a toilet, be specific – ask what kind, maybe it’s a scout’s toilet in the woods, or a crystal toilet in a palace… or don’t ask, take the toilet and just make it specific on your own. Don’t go the easy way.

When the audience grows up, starts to reject by itself the suggestions that they’ve seen a lot before. They want something new – as we know, kids are getting easily bored. And the older kids, when they hear for 1000 time “gay!” shouted by younger kid, will disagree, sometimes even in a cruel way, as kids do. They are becoming independent.

And what, if you don’t want to play with your kids for the hundred time a toilet, and a buchery, you can honestly tell them. With my first group we had a time, when like ten times in a row men were told to play homosexual relationships. Everytime you could say, who was new in the audience – those were laughing the laudest after this suggestion. Then we told kids, that we got bored, and they need to look for other game, than “gay”, and they’re not gonna get it, and we didn’t take it for few months. Can you? Yes, you can.

Getting back to first question – should you give him this ORGASM?


You can’t teach The little terror, that he’ll get whatever he wants, when he makes a fuss.